First 16 Years

I, Earl Duane Williams, Jr. was born February 5, 1953 in Waco, TX at James Connally Air Force Base since my father was in the Air Force. I've a younger brother who has been married over 25 years and lives in Canyon Country, CA.

1953-1960 we lived between Forth Worth, TX and Hayward & Mountain View, CA. 1960-1964 went to 2nd-5th grade in Sunnyvale, CA. 1964 - 1966 went to 2 different schools for 6th grade and 7th grade at Wedgewood Jr. High School in Fort Worth, TX. 1966 - 1969 8th grade at John F. Kennedy Jr. High School in Cupertino, CA where I read a book that changed me on how I viewed the South. Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin 9th-10th grade at Lynbrook High School in San Jose, CA


My first job was at Mr. Steak in Cupertino, CA. Had to quit a few weeks later since we were moving to Southern California. My father kept his hiring from us until he was sure he was hired. I hated moving because I thought Northern California was better and more beautiful than Southern California would ever be.

My brother and I were both in the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Sea Scouts. I got as far as Life Scout since I  needed more merit badges to make Eagle Scout. The troop we were a member of in Cupertino, CA did several weekly trips during the summer. The first one was a 50 mile hike through Yosemite National Park. Next we made our own fiberglass canoe and then did 50 miles down the Sacramento River. Each of these trips we would stop and camp for the night. In the Sea Scouts in Southern California we went on a yacht to Catalina.

Here I am in my Marching Band uniform from Lynbrook High School. I was in the B Band and the 11th grade I would have been in the A Band which is another reason I hated moving to Southern California.

While we lived in Northern California we did a lot as a family. We saw movies at the Century 21-23 (like the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood). I remember our family seeing The Sound of Music and 2001: Space Odyssey which my mother fell asleep while watching it. We went to San Francisco Zoo, Frontier Village, Big Basin Redwood State Park and Pinnacle National Monument. The last two we hiked a lot and had picnic.

Me and my grandma who moved in with us when we moved back from Fort Worth, TX to Cupertino, CA in 1966. We had gone back to Texas in 1964 since my grandpa had lung cancer. He lost one lung and half of the other. It was just a matter of time for him. He got the cancer from shoveling the feed for the cows since they worked on a diary farm. The dust from the feed got into his lungs. She was with us when we moved down to Canoga Park, CA. While I was in college she moved back to Texas to be with her sister. She had came out of her room while my parents were having an argument and my mother, her only child, told her to go back to her room. My father changed when we moved to Southern California. Last thing we did as family was see Ray Charles at the Valley Music Theater on Ventura Blvd in Woodland Hills. The stage rotated and the outside was dome shaped. Went to Magic Mountain and saw Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds. I think I saw Don Ellis Orchestra at Magic Mountain also. He played a 4 valve trumpet and his music was different and I liked it.